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Anything is good, in moderation. I cook because I love to and because I can share with those around me. I crochet for the same reason.

Do what you want to do, enjoy what you do and use it to touch those around you.

Oct 27, 2012

Pumpkin Revisited - Selecting Your Pumpkin.

  When selecting pumpkins, make sure you ask for cooking pumpkins.  Three varieties are pictured - Cinderella, Ghost and Fairy Tail.  If you don't know, ask at your local farm stand or farmers market.   Carving pumpkins can be made into purée, but they don't have the sweetness of a cooking pumpkin.  Flesh colors range from yellow to deep orange - almost red.  As you can see, I like to get several varieties and make a mixture.  In central Pennsylvania, 'neck pumpkins' are sold and most often are used for baking.  Finding true pumpkins can be difficult - of 4 stands at the farmers market, only one had true pumpkins.  If you are wondering why I say 'true' - pumpkins are a member of the squash family, but they are pumpkins.  Long neck pumpkins are not pumpkins - they are butternut squash.  They still make a good pie, but I am a purist and want pumpkin for my pies, bread, soup.....

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