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Anything is good, in moderation. I cook because I love to and because I can share with those around me. I crochet for the same reason.

Do what you want to do, enjoy what you do and use it to touch those around you.

Jan 1, 2014

HAPPY NEW YEAR'S - New Year's Traditions

Yesterday, I posted New Year's Pretzels.  Today, I have Pork and Sauerkraut in the slow cooker as our new year traditional meal.  Some friends have Black Eyed Peas..learn more about New Year's Food traditions at The Food Timeline.

From the Huffington Post, here are the 5 strangest and 5 funniest traditions.

Top 5 strangest customs
1. Spending the night in a cemetery in the company of dead loved ones (Talca, Chile)
2. Attempting to hear animals speaking, in the hopes of finding true happiness (Romania)
3. Striking the walls with bread to ward off evil spirits (Ireland)
4. Throwing furniture out the window (Johannesburg, South Africa)
5. Jumping into a frozen lake while carrying a tree trunk (Siberia, Russia)
Top 5 funniest customs
1. A collective kissing session on a square (Venice, Italy)
2. Wearing red underwear, a symbol of good luck (Spain, Italy and Mexico)
3. Having a giant water fight over the course of three days (Thailand)
4. Throwing furniture out the window (Johannesburg, South Africa)
5. Boxing with neighbors to settle long-standing quarrels (Peru)

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