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Anything is good, in moderation. I cook because I love to and because I can share with those around me. I crochet for the same reason.

Do what you want to do, enjoy what you do and use it to touch those around you.

May 2, 2012

Rent what you need

When we built our house, we had a bit of an oversight.  We completely forgot about landscaping.  Over the years we have been trying to remedy that and have often had the opportunity to rent equipment.  For example, we have no reason to own a jackhammer, so why not rent one?  This year's project - adding a flower bed to the front of the house and connect it to the existing rose bed.  To start, we had to remove the existing mulch from the holly and rose bushes.  Unfortunately, the mulch we used previously had mushrooms. 

Once that was removed, we had to find a way to remove sod.  Digging by had was an option, but not really one I wanted to do - especially for 300 square feet or more.  The hose marks the left edge.  I called a landscaper, but they said it would be about $500.  Seeing as that was my original intended budget, I wanted other options.

Hubby had a brilliant idea - he called Best Line Equipment Rental to ask if they rented sod kickers.  They said  no - but they did rent gas powered sod cutters.  Eureka - even better? Why kick if it can be gas powered.  So, I took a day off work, borrowed a trailer and picked up the sod cutter.  After a brief description of how to operate it, I was on my way.  5 hours later, I had this:

So, if you have projects to do and don't want to hire someone else, see if you can rent what you need.  Best Line has their rental equipment list at  Working on projects like these offers a great feeling of accomplishment. 

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